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What You Need to Know to Survive Any Dating Scenario

What You Need to Know to Survive Any Dating Scenario

Dating is never easy. Never mind first impressions and the getting-to-know-you awkwardness, the Internet has created a world where every foible, every flaw, every little thing (both literally and figuratively) is on display for the all the world, including potential dating partners, to see.

“Surviving any worst-case scenario comes down to not panicking, having a plan, and ultimately being prepared,” David Borgenicht, author of The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex, told the Chicago Tribune in an interview. “And this applies to the realm of dating.”

This is why it’s important to be prepared for any dating scene so you aren’t wondering whether leaving-by-the-bathroom-window might actually be an option.

The following tips will help you avoid the minefield of dating.

• You spill wine all over the table, yourself or your date. The best-case scenario is that you and your date laugh it off. Bonus? If you like one another, it’s an easy way to ask them out for a second date — to a dry cleaners where you’ll foot the bill. At worst? If the sparks aren’t there, it’s a built-in excuse to end the evening early.

• You’re running late. There are a million ways things can go wrong—unexpected traffic, the boss asks you to stay later than you planned, mistiming on how long it takes to get ready — and all of a sudden you’ve kept your date waiting. In this instance, take a few minutes to send a quick text message or phone call to let them know you’ve run into a snag, but will be there as soon as possible. Better yet, give them a timeframe. One caveat: try to keep it light. If you sound stressed about being late, they’ll be stressed while they’re waiting.

• You’re a smokeless tobacco user. For smokeless tobacco users, the mere thought of taking a spit cup or bottle on a date is horrific, and of course, an absolute no-no. So, what to do? You might think about investing in a portable spittoon made by FLASR, an Atlanta-based company that specializes in creating smokeless tobacco accessories.

To avoid the messiness that sometimes goes hand-in-hand with using smokeless tobacco, the FLASR flask has an advanced closing mechanism, ensuring that it stays securely closed when not in use, thus eliminating the risk of spills and leaks often found with cups and bottles. In addition, the small size of the FLSR flask allows users to enjoy smokeless tobacco unobtrusively while in public.

For more information, visit


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